The new 5th edition of Clinical Examination continues to serve all medical students with a clear and understandable explanation of clinical examination. Set out logically and systematically, this best-selling textbook has comprehensive coverage of essential skills necessary for history taking and examining the patient. Highly regarded by students world-wide, this text continues to grow in strength. Clinical Examination, 5th edition has been revised and updated to include: more evidence-based medicine; new full-color artwork; and a fresh new look allowing greater accessibility for readers. The new edition covers clinical examination and concepts in a systems approach in a clear, consistent and user-friendly approach. Readers using this edition of Clinical Examination will have access to [Only Registered Users Can See Links.Click Here to Register]]. Here you will receive full online access to the text and numerous interactive extras such as video clips demonstrating some of the more difficult examinations & MCQs. Written by two internationally renowned authors, Clinical Examination, 5th edition will continue to provide students with a superb reference for performing clinical