Contained within the text is a thorough review of all of obstetrics and gynecology, including medical advances up to the time of publication. More than 1000 diseases and disorders are included. A continued emphasis on disease prevention and evidence-based medicine remains paramount. In addition to diagnosis and treatment of disease, pathophysiology is a major area of focus. The concise format facilitates quick access.
A new and improved layout will certainly be appreciated, with more than 500 anatomic drawings, imaging studies, and diagrams as part of the basic text.
Medical students will find CDTOG to be an authoritative introduction to the specialty and an excellent source for reference and review. House officers will welcome the concise practical information for commonly encountered health problems. Practicing obstetricians and gynecologists, family physicians, internists, nurse practitioners nurse midwives, physician assistants, and other healthcare providers whose practice includes women's health can use the book to answer questions that arise in the daily practice of obstetrics and gynecology.