New to this edition:
MORE photographs more than 100 new illustrations, many focusing on conditions affecting people of color
MORE user friendly – color tabbing system for quick retrieval
NEW list of related web sites for physicians and patients at the end of diseases
NEW full-color schematic drawings of pathogenesis added to each section
NEW section on Bioterrorism
Disorders of Sebaceious and Apocrine Glands
Miscellaneous Epidermal Disorders
Bullous Disease
Miscellaneous Inflammatory Disorders
Erythroderma and Rashes in the Acutely Ill Patient
Benign Neoplasms and Hyperplasias
Photosesnsitivity, Photo-Induced Disorders and Disorders Induced by Ionizing Radiation
Precancerous Lesions and Cutaneous Carcinomas
Melanoma Precursors and Primary Cutaneous Melanoma
Pigmentary Disorders
Skin Signs of Immune, Autoimmune, and Rheumatic Disorders
Genetic, Metabolic, Endocrine, and Nutritional Disease
Skin Signs of Vascular Insufficiency
Skin Signs of Systemic Cancers
Skin Signs of Hematologic Disease
Cutaneous Lymphomas and Sarcoma
Adverse Cutaneous Drug Reactions
Disorders of Psychiatric Etiology
Bacterial Infections Involving the Skin
Fungal Infections of the Skin and Hair
Rickettsial Infections
Viral Infections of Skin and Mucosa
Insect Bites and Infestations
Sexually Transmitted Disease
Mucocutaneous Manifestations of Human Immunodificiency Virus Disease
Disorders of Hair Follicles and Related Disorders
Disorders of the Nail Apparatus
Disorders of Oropharynx
Disorders of the Genitalia, Perineum, and Anus