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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Johns Hopkins Manual of Gynecology and Obstetrics

This book is dedicated to the family members—spouses, parents, and children—of the house officers in the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. The constant support and encouragement of these family members have enabled the development and productivity of these specialists in training.

Handbook of Pathophysiology

As in both of the previous editions of the Handbook of Pathophysiology, this edition is based on the premise that understanding physiology—how the body works—is essential to understanding pathophysiology—what happens when things go wrong. My goal in writing this text was and is to provide a clear, accurate, and understandable description of health and disease. It is meant to be succinct and readable and to be useful to students and practitioners at a variety of levels. Throughout this text I have tried to share with readers the wonder and respect for the human body that I have enjoyed since the day I walked into my first physiology course as an undergraduate student. The more I learn about health and disease, the more convinced I am that when well, our bodies function magnificently, and when besieged by illness, gallantly and ferociously. I appreciate the teachers—and the patients—I have had throughout my education and career who have helped me learn this life lesson.

As a physiologist and a nurse, I have taught physiology and pathophysiology to many different groups of undergraduate and graduate students, including nursing and nurse practitioner students, physical therapy students, biology students, physiology and bioengineering graduate students, and medical students. I believe this text can be used as a reference and a resource for learners at all these levels. For health care providers working with patients, and for students in the classroom, this text will keep you informed, answer your questions, and—I hope—stimulate your desire to know more.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Greenspan's Basic and Clinical Endocrinology 8th ed - D. Gardner, D. Shoback (McGraw-Hill, 2007)

The title page of Basic & Clinical Endocrinology takes on a slightly different character in this, its 8th edition. In tribute to the outgoing coeditor and originator of this text, it will henceforth be referred to as Greenspan's Basic & Clinical Endocrinology. Like its predecessors, the 8th edition provides the most up-to-date information on the basic science and clinical aspects of endocrinology, covering everything from the molecular biology of thyroid hormone signal transduction to the clinical approach to the patient with Cushing's syndrome.

There are several new features in this edition that warrant attention. We have introduced completely new chapters on Evidence-Based Endocrinology (Chapter 4) and the Neurohypophysis (Chapter 6). Chapter 19 has been expanded to include discussion of the major causes of hypoglycemia in the pediatric population, and Chapter 8 has been extensively rewritten following the addition of Dr. Cooper and Dr. Ladenson to the growing list of authors contributing to this text. Each of the remaining chapters has been extensively revised and updated for inclusion in this edition. Reference lists, wherever possible, include web-based educational resources for physicians as well as their patients.

We hope that you will find this text useful as an up-to-date resource for information in the ever-expanding discipline of endocrinology, and as a valuable tool for the education of your trainees and the care of your endocrine patients.

David G. Gardner, MD, MS

Dolores Shoback, MD

San Francisco, CA

Gray's Anatomy for Students

What is anatomy?

Anatomy includes those structures that can be seen grossly (without the aid of magnification) and microscopically (with the aid of magnification). Typically, when used by itself, the term 'anatomy' tends to mean gross or macroscopic anatomy-that is, the study of structures that can be seen without using a microscopic. Microscopic anatomy, also called 'histology', is the study of cells and tissues using a microscope.

Anatomy forms the basis for the practice of medicine. Anatomy leads the physician towards an understanding of a patient's disease whether he or she is carrying out a physical examination or using the most advanced imaging techniques. Anatomy is also important for dentists, chiropractors, physical therapists, and all others involved in any aspect of patient treatment that begins with an analysis of clinical signs. The ability to interpret a clinical observation correctly is therefore the endpoint of a sound anatomical understanding.

Observation and visualization are the primary techniques a student should use to learn anatomy. Anatomy is much more than just memorization of lists of names. Although the language of anatomy is important, the network of information needed to visualize the position of physical structures in a patient goes far beyond simple memorization. Knowing the names of the various branches of the external carotid artery is not the same as being able to visualize the course of the lingual artery from its origin in the neck to its termination in the tongue. Similarly, understanding the organization of the soft palate, how it is related to the oral and nasal cavities, and how it moves during swallowing is very different from being able to recite the names of its individual muscles and nerves. An understanding of anatomy requires an understanding of the context in which the terminology can be remembered.

Goodman & Gilman's - The pharmacological basis of therapeutics 11th Ed

In this book, all of the chapters have been updated and many have been completely rewritten by expert contributors and editors. There are a number of new contributors, carefully chosen for their expertise, their scholarship and the clarity of their writing. This book emphasizes basic principles, adding chapters on drug transporters and drug metabolism. The material covered in these chapters explains many prominent drug-drug interactions and adverse drug responses. The book also includes a chapter on the emerging field of pharmacogenetics, looking toward the individualization of drug therapy and an understanding of how our genetic make-up influences our responses to drugs. A chapter entitled "The Science of Drug Therapy" describes how basic principles of pharmacology apply to the care of the individual patient.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Vaughan & Asbury's General Ophthalmology 16th ed, 2007

This internationally popular text provides a practical, clinically-focused introduction to ophthalmology suitable for anyone looking for a quick-reference uupdate on state-of-the-art diagnosis and treatment of all major diseases of the eye. The new edition includes coverage of leading-edge topics including treatment of corneal disease by limbal reconstruction and amniotic membrane grafting, exudative macular degeneration, the use of intraocular steroid inections to treat a variety of retinal diseases, and use of immunomodulatory drugs for inflammatory eye disease.

Fundamental Neuroscience for Basic and Clinical Applns - D. Haines, et al., (Elsevier, 2007) WW

Our nervous system makes us what we are. Personality, outlook, intellect, coordination (or lack thereof), and the many other characteristics that are unique to each of us are the result of complex interactions within our nervous system. Information is received from the environment by sensory receptors and transmitted into the brain or spinal cord. Once inside the brain or spinal cord, this sensory information is processed and integrated, and an appropriate response is initiated.

The nervous system can be viewed as a scale of structural complexity. Microscopically, the individual structural and functional unit of the nervous system is the neuron, or nerve cell. Interspersed among the neurons of the central nervous system are supportive elements called glial cells. At the macroscopic end of the scale are the large divisions (or parts) of the nervous system that can be handled and studied without magnification. These two extremes are not independent but form a continuum; functionally related neurons aggregate to form small structures, which combine to form larger structures, and so on. Communication takes place at many different levels, the end result being a wide range of productive or life-sustaining nervous activities.

 D. Haines, et al., (Elsevier, 2007) WW

Fundamental Anatomy

Fundamental Anatomy presents essential human anatomy and embryology in a readable and well-illustrated concise text. Written in narrative form, this reader-friendly textbook provides the conceptual framework that will help students need to master the structure and function of human anatomy. Using a systems-based approach, Fundamental Anatomy emphasizes organizational and development and insightfully integrates embryology for a more thorough understanding of adult gross anatomy. A companion Website offers the book's fully searchable online text.

Fitzpatrick's Color Atlas of Clinical Dermatology 5th ed

New to this edition:

MORE photographs  more than 100 new illustrations, many focusing on conditions affecting people of color

MORE user friendly – color tabbing system for quick retrieval

NEW list of related web sites for physicians and patients at the end of diseases

NEW full-color schematic drawings of pathogenesis added to each section

NEW section on Bioterrorism


Disorders of Sebaceious and Apocrine Glands




Miscellaneous Epidermal Disorders

Bullous Disease

Miscellaneous Inflammatory Disorders

Erythroderma and Rashes in the Acutely Ill Patient

Benign Neoplasms and Hyperplasias

Photosesnsitivity, Photo-Induced Disorders and Disorders Induced by Ionizing Radiation

Precancerous Lesions and Cutaneous Carcinomas

Melanoma Precursors and Primary Cutaneous Melanoma

Pigmentary Disorders

Skin Signs of Immune, Autoimmune, and Rheumatic Disorders

Genetic, Metabolic, Endocrine, and Nutritional Disease

Skin Signs of Vascular Insufficiency

Skin Signs of Systemic Cancers

Skin Signs of Hematologic Disease

Cutaneous Lymphomas and Sarcoma

Adverse Cutaneous Drug Reactions

Disorders of Psychiatric Etiology

Bacterial Infections Involving the Skin

Fungal Infections of the Skin and Hair

Rickettsial Infections

Viral Infections of Skin and Mucosa

Insect Bites and Infestations

Sexually Transmitted Disease

Mucocutaneous Manifestations of Human Immunodificiency Virus Disease

Disorders of Hair Follicles and Related Disorders

Disorders of the Nail Apparatus

Disorders of Oropharynx

Disorders of the Genitalia, Perineum, and Anus



Monday, January 10, 2011

Field Guide to Bedside Diagnosis 2nd ed

Preface to the Second Edition

In preparing the second edition, I have been mindful of the increasing interest in evidence-based medicine. The major update, therefore, has been to add tables of evidence-based test characteristics (sensitivity, specificity, likelihood ratio) for selected items in the history and physical examination. This book contains the most comprehensive compilation of EBM physical diagnosis data available to date. I have utilized state-of-the-art data sources such as the JAMA Rational Clinical Examination series; Straus, Hsu, Ball, and Phillips' Evidence-Based Acute Medicine; and McGee's Evidence-Based Physical Diagnosis, in addition to my own extensive literature files. Diagnostic hypotheses arising from these observations form the basis for accurate application and interpretation of diagnostic technology. Testing and treatment—as well as citations of literature sources—remain beyond the scope of this book.

While I have retained the user-friendly format of the first edition, a second area of substantial enhancement and revision has been the diagnostic approach section of most chapters, to strengthen the high-altitude view of how to begin to approach the differential. Finally, the diagnostic images section has been completely revised. Images have been selected to best illustrate clinical phenomenon, and to favor visible manifestations of systemic diseases and more serious diagnoses over self-limited dermatologic conditions. Of the 192 images in this book, 84 are new to this edition. They have been arranged by organ system and by diagnoses to parallel the text and to make locating images more intuitive.

The aim of this book remains to be compact, colorful, aesthetic, and useful.

New Haven, January 2006

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Ferri's Clinical Advisor 2008 Instant Diagnosis and Treatment

FERRI'S CLINICAL ADVISOR 2008 offers a fast, effective way to access important diagnostic and therapeutic information on over 700 conditions. Its "5 books in 1" format offers key information on diseases and disorders · differential diagnosis · clinical algorithms · laboratory evaluations · and clinical preventive services. This package also includes access to a web site where you'll find all of the content from the book, as well as patient teaching guides in English and Spanish · and handheld software featuring the content from sections I, II, and IV and point-of-care information from other sections in the text. The result is a convenient, portable source for must-have guidance essential to everyday general practice.

Ferri's Clinical Advisor 2008 Instant Diagnosis and Treatment

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Family Medicine Certification Review 2nd ed - M. Lipsky, et al., (Lippincott, 2007)

Written by family physicians, this book is a comprehensive question-and-answer review for the American Board of Family Medicine certification and recertification exams. Questions match the content, complexity, and type of questions on the exam, and fifty clinical set problems--a major portion of the exam--are included. This edition's questions and answers have been completely updated, e.g., questions on hypertension and lipids draw on JNC-VII and ATP-III guidelines. Numerous new tables and charts provide relevant information in a concise, convenient manner. This book is also a valuable study aid for USMLE Step 3 and for physician assistant and nurse practitioner licensure exams.

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